The decision to participate in forex or stock exchange markets should purely be based on the assets that you want to trade. Over time the people that prefer to trade in forex have been increasing and that is for various reasons. Apart from the unlimited trading hours you are given, you can get quality Forex brokers with ZAR accounts who can teach and guide you to becoming a professional trader. Discussed here are some of the merits you get by trading on forex online today.
Market open for longer period
Your stock exchange market has fewer participants because of the limited number of hours with which one can practice trading. With stock markets, you only trade when the exchange hours are open otherwise you may have to wait until the market is once again. Forex trading allows you to trade almost any time you want expect the weekend where closed hours commence from Friday at 10.00 pm UK time and open at Sunday 9.00 pm UK time. you can therefore enjoy longer hours of trading in the market and making profits unlike when you are limited to only a few hours of market trading when you become a stock trader.
Better liquidity
Forex trading platforms are made for the people who value getting busy on trading networks. Supposing you look upon trading to give you your daily bread, stock markets are not the places to go to. There are fewer transactions recorded in the stock market compared to the $5trillion turnover rate recorded for forex market’s daily transactions. It is only ideal you go where there are numerous trades not just to make profits but also learn and grow as a trader.
Currency volatility
When compared to the stock market, there is no stability in the prices of currency when you are dealing with forex trade. This means that the increased number of transactions on the market make it very hard to attain stability making it good for the risk takers in the trading world. You can expect the prices to move in any direction and that can work to your strength or be the cause of your fall. Nevertheless, you can make worthwhile profits when you make the correct predictions. The higher the volatility the better trading is for forex traders while the stability in stock markets may make it hard to make any profits.
Free tools to aid your trade
It is true that trading is not an easy venture, many at times you might make more losses than profits. You can easily feel lost when trading in stock because of the reduced guidance you are offered to excel. Forex traders do not need to waste a lot of time to get settle because of the numerous brokers in the market they can hire for assistance. You should also know that a lot of forex trading platforms give you free tools to use for your trading like risk management tools that help you analyze risks before making investments.